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After 20 years as a successful engineer managing projects including launching USS New York which contains steel from the World Trade Center towers destroyed on 9/11, R.Lee Flowers was enticed by his financial advisor to take over a portion of her business upon her retirement. He has more than doubled the size of his business. He does this by building meaningful relationships with clients and focusing on what is important to them.

R.Lee attended Harrison Central High School, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, University of South Alabama, and Mississippi State University. He has taught mathematics at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and served on the William Carey Tradition Campus Advisory Board.

R.Lee is a member of Pentecostals of the Gulf Coast, Past President and current President of the Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove, 2015 Top 10 Business Leaders under 40, served as Gulfport Ward 6 Councilman since 2009, and an avid bow tie wearer. R.Lee is married to the former Daphne Comans of Bogalusa, Louisiana. They have one daughter, Adisyn.

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